

“ethical deliberation 
and debate is best served by using plainly descriptive language. In the council’s view, despite its 
negative connotations, the term “physician assisted suicide” describes the practice with the 
greatest precision. Most importantly, it clearly distinguishes the practice from euthanasia. The 
terms “aid in dying” or “death with dignity” could be used to describe either euthanasia or 
palliative/ hospice care at the end of life and this degree of ambiguity is unacceptable for providing 
ethical guidance.” 


“Current evidence from Europe does tell 
a cautionary tale,” it says. Fears of euthanasia for psychological problems, the slippery slope, lack of government control. The report says:

Medicine must also acknowledge, however, that evidence (no matter how robust) that there have 
not yet been adverse consequences cannot guarantee that such consequences would not occur in the 
future. As a recent commentary noted, “[p]art of the problem with the slippery slope is you never 
know when you are on it” 



At the core of public and professional debate, the council believes, is the aspiration that every patient come to the end of life as free as possible from suffering that does not serve the patient’s deepest self-defining beliefs and in the presence of trusted companions, including where feasible and when the patient desires, the presence of a trusted physician. As Timothy Quill noted more than 20 years ago, “dying patients do not have the luxury of choosing not to undertake the journey, or of separating their person from their disease”Decisions about how to approach the end of life are among the most intimate that patients, families, and their physicians make. Respecting the intimacy and the authenticity of those relationships is essential if our common ideal is to be achieved.


Over the past two years, the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs has reviewed the literature and received thoughtful input from numerous individuals and organizations to inform its deliberations, and is deeply grateful to all who shared their insights. CEJA engaged in extensive, often passionate discussion about how to interpret the Code of Medical Ethics in light of ongoing debate and the irreducible differences in moral perspectives identified above. After careful consideration, CEJA concludes that in its current form the Code offers guidance to support physicians and the patients they serve in making well-considered, mutually respectful decisions about legally available options for care at the end of life in the intimacy of a patient
-physician relationship. The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs therefore recommends that the Code of Medical Ethics not be amended, that Resolutions 15-A-16 and 14-A-17 not be adopted and that the remainder of the report be filed.



