カナダでついに安楽死後臓器提供ガイドライン 一部医療職から


論文のサイト ⇒ http://www.cmaj.ca/content/191/22/E604

Canadian Blood Services,
the Canadian Critical Care Society,
the Canadian Society of Transplantation,
the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses

委員長は、救急医療と緩和ケアの専門医でMAiD推進派である James Downar医師。


Medically suitable, conscious and competent patients who provide first-person consent to end-of-life procedures should be given the opportunity to donate organs and tissues. Patients who seek MAiD or WLSM [withdrawal of life-sustaining measures] should not be prohibited from donating organs and tissue.


The patient must have the ability to provide first-person consent to MAiD or WLSM as well as to organ and tissue donation. The individual should be informed and understand that they may withdraw consent for MAiD or donation at any time, and that withdrawal of consent for donation does not affect their consent for, or access to, MAiD or WLSM.


The dead donor rule must always be respected. Vital organs can be procured only from a donor who is already deceased; the act of procurement cannot be the immediate cause of death.


To avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest, health care practitioners should separate the decision regarding WLSM or MAiD from discussions concerning donation. Providers who are assessing eligibility for MAiD should not be involved in donation discussions.


People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and patients with other nontransmissible neurodegenerative diseases should be offered the opportunity to donate organs after their death.


Health care professionals may exercise a conscientious objection to MAiD or WLSM specifically, but they should strive to accommodate the wishes of the donor by ensuring that their objection to MAiD or WLSM does not impede the ability of the patient to donate.

