豪ヴィクトリア州 2019年6月の自殺幇助合法化を決定(自分で飲めない人には安楽死も)


You have to be an adult with decision-making capacity. You have to be an “ordinary resident of Victoria” for at least 12 months. You have to have an incurable illness or condition that will cause death and have a life expectancy of less than six months (or 12 months if the patient is suffering a neurodegenerative illness such as motor neuron disease). You have to be experiencing suffering that cannot be relieved in a way that is tolerable to you.

You have to make three requests to access the scheme, including a written request. A doctor is prohibited from raising assisted dying with you – you must discuss it first. You have to be assessed by two experienced doctors, one of whom is a specialist, who will determine your eligibility.

You will be prescribed drugs that you will take at a time of your choosing, unless you are physically incapable of injecting the drugs, in which case a lethal injection can be administered. You have to keep the drugs in a “locked box” before use. And so it goes.

The law comes into operation in June 2019. A new statutory Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board will be set up to oversee compliance and report to parliament. The next state election is due in November next year and already opponents are saying they will campaign to have the law repealed before it ever commences.

豪のDr. DeathことNitschke医師、[こんな保守的な法律、機能するものか」と。