リバプール・ケア・パスウェイに関する調査報告書(英) 2
Most of the submissions to the Review from relatives and carers that were critical of the LCP made reference to hydration and nutrition. Judging from these accounts, far too often the LCP advice on these is not being followed. The current version of the LCP does not go far enough to adjust the language of previous versions to advise that the default course of action should be that patients be supported with hydration and nutrition unless there is a strong reason not to do so.
At the end of life, a person may become overhydrated, and there is no moral or legal obligation to continue to administer and clinically assisted hydration or nutrition if they are having no beneficial effect. But there can be no clinical justification for denying a drink to a dying patient who wants one, unless doing so would cause them distress. In hospitals in particular, there appear to have been many instances demonstrating an inadequate understanding of the LCP’s direction on oral hydration. Refusing food and drink is a decision for the patient, not clinical staff, to make.
The Review heard reports of patients being given drugs by a syringe driver so quickly that they rapidly became drowsy, and so unable to ask for something to drink. The offer of a drink was not discussed. The GMC has issued clear guidance on supporting artificial nutrition and hydration, but more is needed on supporting oral nutrition and hydration. The NMC, from which no equivalent guidance currently exists, needs to produce it for nurses as a matter of urgency.
At the end of life, a person may become overhydrated, and there is no moral or legal obligation to continue to administer and clinically assisted hydration or nutrition if they are having no beneficial effect. But there can be no clinical justification for denying a drink to a dying patient who wants one, unless doing so would cause them distress. In hospitals in particular, there appear to have been many instances demonstrating an inadequate understanding of the LCP’s direction on oral hydration. Refusing food and drink is a decision for the patient, not clinical staff, to make.
The Review heard reports of patients being given drugs by a syringe driver so quickly that they rapidly became drowsy, and so unable to ask for something to drink. The offer of a drink was not discussed. The GMC has issued clear guidance on supporting artificial nutrition and hydration, but more is needed on supporting oral nutrition and hydration. The NMC, from which no equivalent guidance currently exists, needs to produce it for nurses as a matter of urgency.
The Review heard that, if a patient became more agitated or in greater pain as they died, they often became peaceful because the right drugs were given to them at the right time and in the right dose. But there were complaints that opiate pain killers and tranquillisers were being used inappropriately as soon as the LCP was initiated. Many hospital patients appear to be put on a syringe driver with morphine as the ‘next step’ on the LCP, even if morphine is not the right drug, or pain relief is not what is needed. Some relatives and carers were unsure whether this meant that the death had occurred naturally or if it was directly attributable to the drugs administered. It seems that at least some of the distress experienced could have been mitigated by better communication. Before a syringe driver is commenced, this must be discussed as far as possible with the patient’s relatives or carer, with the reasoning documented.
Some people believe that to implement the LCP is a way of deliberately hastening someone’s death, and this is understandable, given what the Review heard about poor communication between clinicians and patients, their relatives and carers about what was happening during the dying process. The Review panel is content, however, that the LCP entirely reflects the ethical principles that should provide the basis of good quality care in the last days and hours of a person’s life. Any attempt deliberately to shorten a person’s life is illegal, but there is no obligation, moral or legal, to preserve life at all costs. The Review considered the issue of local financial incentives being applied per patient on the LCP, and concluded that this sort of incentive must cease in relation to any approach to care of the dying. Not only has it given rise to fears about hastening death for financial gain, but there is a very real risk that providing a payment for each patient implemented on the LCP, or equivalent approach, looks like an incentive to do so, rather than a means of providing sufficient resources for good quality and compassionate care to be provided
LCPの実施は患者の死を意図的に早めるものだと思い込んでいる人がいることは、委員会の調査で耳にした医療職と患者や親族や介護者間の死のプロセスで起こることをめぐるコミュニケーションの貧しさからして理解できる。しかしLCPが全体としては、人が死を迎える際に、最後の数時間または数日に良質なケアをする土台となるべき倫理原理を反映したものであるという点は調査委員会は疑わない。意図的に縮命しようとすることは違法であるが、何が何でも命を維持する義務は道徳的にも法的にもない。調査委員会はLCP適用となった患者の人数によって(local とはNHSトラストによって、の意?)金銭的なインセンティブが設けられている問題も検討し、このようなインセンティブは死にゆく人のケアへのアプローチとしてはやめなければならないと結論した。金銭的な利益のために死を早められる不安の元となるばかりか、LCP適用になった患者の人数に応じて支払いが行われたり類似のアプローチがあると、それは良質で温かいケアを提供できる十分な資源を提供するのではなくLCPへの適用を促すインセンティブと見える。
LCPの実施は患者の死を意図的に早めるものだと思い込んでいる人がいることは、委員会の調査で耳にした医療職と患者や親族や介護者間の死のプロセスで起こることをめぐるコミュニケーションの貧しさからして理解できる。しかしLCPが全体としては、人が死を迎える際に、最後の数時間または数日に良質なケアをする土台となるべき倫理原理を反映したものであるという点は調査委員会は疑わない。意図的に縮命しようとすることは違法であるが、何が何でも命を維持する義務は道徳的にも法的にもない。調査委員会はLCP適用となった患者の人数によって(local とはNHSトラストによって、の意?)金銭的なインセンティブが設けられている問題も検討し、このようなインセンティブは死にゆく人のケアへのアプローチとしてはやめなければならないと結論した。金銭的な利益のために死を早められる不安の元となるばかりか、LCP適用になった患者の人数に応じて支払いが行われたり類似のアプローチがあると、それは良質で温かいケアを提供できる十分な資源を提供するのではなくLCPへの適用を促すインセンティブと見える。